It’s entirely possible that you’ve been working from home and your kids have been doing their schooling from home too over the last few months. All of this time at home has probably shown that things aren’t quite as organized as you would like (or thought that they were). It’s okay though, because no one has to have it all together all of the time.
If you want to start organizing your home, the trick is to focus on the areas that collect clutter. If you get these under control, the rest of the space will feel a lot better and look cleaner too. Here’s how:
1. Start With The Paperwork
Every day there are papers to deal with – bills, mail, notes from school, grocery lists, receipts, etc. These often get left lying on the table or the kitchen counter, and then “tidied up” into a pile so you can never find them. This can lead to things being forgotten about or not dealt with in time.
Create a space for these papers that allows you to sort them properly so that you never lose an important bill or forget to sign a permission slip for a school trip. Stackable boxes or drawers in a convenient place work wonders because they hide the actual papers from sight, but you know exactly where they are when you go looking.
2. Make Your Pantry Like The Grocery Store
Whether you have a full, walk-in pantry or use some cupboards in your kitchen, the same rules apply. Stack everything neatly and use the grocery store method of packing: older items in front and new purchases at the back so that the oldest get used first (before they expire).
Then, pack like things together so that there is a rhyme and reason to the order of the shelves. You can even label your shelves to help you keep things in order. Cereal goes in this section, cans over here, spices in this section, treats up there, and so on.
3. Colour Coordinate
Give each family member or housemate their own colour. Then, carry that colour throughout the house when it comes to storing their stuff and ensuring they take responsibility for their own things. You can go as small as the colour of their toothbrush, right through to painting their bedroom doors, just to reinforce the message. If you have young kids, this method makes it a lot easier to see who is making a mess and who isn’t doing their bit to keep things tidy.
4. Designate Workstations
Whether it’s temporary or permanent, working from home means you need somewhere to do said work, and this shouldn’t be the same space where you relax and access Australian betting sites. The kitchen counter or the living room sofa may seem convenient, but they’re actually creating chaos and are not conducive to productivity. Rather set up workstations with proper desks and comfortable, ergonomic chairs for each member of your family. This will keep everything in one place, and you won’t find textbooks or notepads all over the house.
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